Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 72 in Zimbabwe!!!

Dear Family and Friends, 

This was a week of preparing people for baptism and saying goodbyes. We were able to help Darling, Kuda, and Tadiwa prepare for baptism this week. They were so ready and it was a privilege to teach them. Darling is such a spaz. Sometimes she would be at the shops and when she saw us she would come running! haha She was so early to her baptism. She was terrified when she saw the deep water 2 feet but she was a trooper and still was baptized. Kuda we struggled with language a little bit but Gladys came and saved the day to translate when we needed it. She was on time to the baptism and I loved her testimony. It was so sweet and genuine. Tadiwa is so powerful. He was there for all the lessons even when we were late.  He was so excited to be baptized. He even came to the church super early to be confirmed. 

Then there were many goodbyes. I received transfer news. I am going to Emtubane in Bulawayo to finish my last transfer. I will be serving with Sister Leslie. I am super excited. I was/am super sad to leave Mabvuku. While I was saying good byes I realized how attached I was to this ward and the wonderful people in the ward. I am sad this is part of mission but I am grateful for the opportunity to have more people to serve and love in Emtubane. 

I hope you have a great week!


Sister Arbon

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